Friday 3 December 2010

3rd December – Pretty lights (and a tangle)

Good morning!

When the girls saw the Christmas tree lights yesterday they were very excited and so I decided that I would get them a little set of their own each. I found some very pretty star lights – battery ones which they can carry with them if they like. I was going to put them around their toy box but I got myself into a little muddle…

day 3The more I wriggled the more tangled up I got! I was desperate for the girls to wake up so that they could see their new lights and could rescue me!

day 3 d

The girls were very surprised to see me all caught up in the lights but they were really excited too! Faith set about untangling me…

day 3 e It didn’t take long at all before I was free and the girls could play with their lights and eat their advent chocolates!

day 3 f

Tonight the girls are sleeping round their Da and Granpa’s house. It’ll be the first time ever that they haven’t been with their Mummy and Daddy at night time. I’m going to go with them though so I am sure they’ll be ok… I’ve got some lovely things planned for tomorrow!

Love and Fairy Lights



P.S – I might be a little late writing to you all tomorrow as I won’t get home until late.


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