Thursday 16 December 2010

December 16th – Painting angels

Remember the salt dough angels we made? Well today our task was to paint them!

day 16 a

The girls love painting and kept asking all morning if they could do their painting now! We soon got set up and started painting…

day 16 b day 16 c

day 16 e day 16 g

Faith’s favourite colour to pain with was pink whereas Ellie loved the yellow! I sat tucked in next to Faith to watch the fun!

day 16 iGuess who ate a lot of paint…

day 16 l  day 16 k

We painted and painted and painted! It was gloopy and messy and a lot of fun. The angels were looking fantastic!

day 16 mday 16 n

The girls masterpieces are now drying on the window sill. Mummy will paint the backs white and varnish them once they are dry. Then we’ll tie ribbon on and hang them in the house.

Love and Paint Splodges




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